Understanding The Basics Of Business Litigation

What is Business Litigation?

Business litigation is a type of civil litigation that involves disputes within a business setting. Such disputes often arise from various circumstances such as breach of contracts, class actions, employment disputes, intellectual property rights infringements, and shareholder issues. A business litigation attorney represents companies in these disputes to protect their rights and interests. As complex and varied as business litigation can be, it is vital for any business owner to grasp how it works and when it is necessary.

A clear understanding of business litigation helps business owners to prepare for potential legal disputes. They can devise sound strategies that minimize or prevent litigation. Hiring experienced business litigators early, such as strata lawyers sydney, can significantly help to manage the complex process.

Breach of Contract

One of the common reasons for business litigation is the breach of contract, where one party fails to fulfill their obligations as laid out in the contract terms. There are various forms of contract breaches, including non-performance, delay in performance, or performance that doesn’t meet the agreed-upon standards.

In the event of a breach of contract, the injured party usually seeks remedies either through financial compensation or through performance of the contract. Legal counsel comes in handy in resolving such disputes, either through negotiation or court representation.

Employment Disputes

Employment disputes are another common cause of business litigation. Such disputes often arise from issues such as wrongful termination, discrimination, harassment, or wage disputes. Unresolved employment disputes could lead to lawsuits with significant financial implications on the business. It’s essential for businesses to seek legal advice on how to prevent and deal with such situations when they arise.

Intellectual Property Rights Infringements

Battles over intellectual property rights are commonplace in the business world. These disputes usually involve patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets. Intellectual property litigation often arises when a business feels their intellectual rights have been infringed by another business. Such litigation could involve lawsuits demanding damages or injunctions to stop further usage of the property.

Having a competent legal team on board is vital in managing intellectual property litigation. They can handle the litigation process robustly to protect the business’s rights and interests

Shareholder Disputes

Shareholder disputes typically occur in closely held corporations. The disputes may arise from various factors, including disagreements on profit sharing, the direction of the business, management disputes, or violations of shareholder agreements.

These disputes can potentially be quite hostile and disrupt business operations. Proper legal guidance is necessary to navigate and resolve these disputes efficiently and effectively.


Business litigation can be a complex and demanding process. Businesses must understand when they may face litigation and how to manage such situations when they arise. Whether it’s a breach of contract case, an employment dispute, intellectual property infringement, or a shareholder dispute, it’s crucial to have experienced legal representation. Employing capable business litigators, like strata lawyers sydney, can ensure the business’s rights and interests are protected.